Let the Tempest Come Lyrics (2006)

Neaera Let the Tempest Come Lyrics Album

Let the Tempest Come Lyrics Album by Neaera

Welcome to the best site to read Let the Tempest Come Lyrics, This Album was released on the year 2006 by the band Neaera

1. Mechanisms of Standstill

A nation chose its side
A vote that justifies
Corruption, deceit, torture

Blind faith in selfish leaders
Whose only religion is greed
Imposing (their) beliefs on the world
Perverted picture of democracy

Trade your freedom
For the illusion of safety
Is it so much easier to bow?
In a state of control

This tendency to trust in
What controls you
Has left your nation paralyzed

Trade your freedom
A constant climate of fear
Maintained by the power hungry

The abolition of free will
A divided people’s truth
Isolated from the eyes of the world

The ministry of thought
Blessing or curse?

What a choice to make
What a signal to send to the world

Trade your freedom
For the illusion of safety
Is it so much easier to bow?
In a state of control

2. Let the Tempest Come

I stand on different lines
And dance on twisted knives
And if I fall the fall
You will not see me crawl

The gravitation’s fading
Who the hell am I?
The muddy waves of chaos
They take me in and rise

Let it come down
Let it come down
Let the tempest come
Let the tempest come
“It will be rain tonight”
Let the tempest come

These wounds won’t kill me
They’ll make me grow inside
I will try to use them
And wear my scars with pride

The gravitation’s fading
Who the hell am I?
The muddy waves of chaos
They take me in and rise

Fear, failure, hurt, wrath
Won’t take my lust for life
Solace, love, courage, grip
Will make me survive

The gravitation’s fading
Who the hell am I?
The muddy waves of chaos
They take me in and rise

Let it come down

3. Plagueheritage

This country suffers from a plague
That never seems to end
We must eradicate
This sickening disease

The incarnation of inferiority
Your strength is true weakness

Unite against the bastards
Who dare deny our history
Who twist our common truths
Into their Aryan lies

We must not let our history be perverted
How many atrocities do you need to see?
(You are the) heritage of filth
Heritage of filth

A plague – maggots in the country’s flesh
A thorn – inside the country’s soul
Puppets – disciples of insanity

The leaders – shameless desecraters
Mourning for a sinister past

The power you gain
Results of social misery

We must not let our history be perverted
How many atrocities do you need to see?
Heritage of filth

How many atrocities do you need to see?
Heritage of filth

4. God-Forsaken Soil

We are the breed of a new dawn
Born from a different light
We are choking on your archaic voices
We breathe a new age’s mind

You rest on your cross and tradition
In defiance of change and progression
Against the face of modernism
The holy church of escapism

Conservatism, immunity and pride
Has pushed you far aside
Versus renewal and equality
You have mistaken your fear for dignity

Avoid the open wide
Don’t endanger your pride
Ages keep changing – your values don’t
Upon mere tradition
You build your fragile thrones, thrones

You rest on your cross and tradition
In defiance of change and progression

The ancient word
A timeless mask?

Of splendor, sublimity
From power to neglect
A glory unwavering
Another flawless sect?

Avoid the open wide
Don’t endanger your pride
Ages keep changing – your values don’t
Upon mere tradition
You build your fragile thrones, thrones…

The Vatican stands on god-forsaken soil
With one foot in the Middle Ages
Hands are bound to a bygone doctrine
And eyes allergic to reality

Standing on god-forsaken soil
Cursed with blessed stagnation

5. HeavenHell

This is one of the safest places
Of this world so immune
I am neither scared nor desperate
I enjoy every breath of life

You are the one
Another life spending sun
Precious gifts we get from you
Exploitation and torture is our gratitude
Ignorance and neglect
Is how we pay you back

Earth mother will not revenge, no!
She will feed us forevermore

Growth and endless resources
Illusions (that) leave us unafraid
Scorching trees and poisoning skies
Nightmare, future, reality

We burn and rape and grind you

We burn and rape and grind you
Your silent tears will not be seen
We kill you and thus murder ourselves
Your silent screams will not be heard

Earth mother will not revenge, no!
She will feed us forevermore

Ignorance and neglect
Is how we pay you back

We burn and rape and grind you
Your silent tears will not be seen
We kill you and thus murder ourselves
Your silent screams will not be heard

6. Desecrators

They hurt us where it hurts the most
Freedom – the holy substitute
A struggle fought on the battlefield of
Innocence and religious abuse

Your view of religion
Sheer insult to your god and prophet
Divine words to unleash your fear
The non-believers are only you!

You trigger a war of civilization
Increase xenophobia and divide
Empty thought
For a paralyzed breed
Murder, hate, wrath – your holy trinity

Promised a velvet seat in heaven
But you gain a bed of nails in hell
The sacred slaughter is holiness to sell

They hurt us where it hurts the most
Freedom – the holy substitute
A struggle fought on the battlefield of
Innocence and religious abuse

Empty thought
For a paralyzed breed
Murder, hate, wrath – your holy trinity

Promised a velvet seat in heaven
But you gain a bed of nails in hell
The sacred slaughter is holiness to sell

Promised a velvet seat in heaven
But you gain a bed of nails in hell

7. The Crimson Void

If you stare into the void for too long
The void will stare into you

I will wash away all pain
May the great cleansing begin
Yet I was waiting in vain
For the sea to come in

I see the vultures circling
Over the remnants of my soul
Their greedy eyes upon me
But they will only find carrion and holes

I throw myself into
The oblivious sea of nothingness to dwell
To cleanse and escape
From the ever-changing world of sight
But deliverance never comes
I’m so yearning for angels inside
And hounds of hell I reap
And bloody hounds of hell I reap

If you stare into the void for too long
The void will stare into you

Embrace, deny
To breathe life
Release tonight
To feel what’s inside

I throw myself into
The oblivious sea of nothingness to dwell
To cleanse and escape
From the ever-changing world of sight
But deliverance never comes
I’m so yearning for angels inside
And hounds of hell I reap
And bloody hounds of hell I reap

8. I Love the World

Worse than pain
Is the pain you can’t feel anymore
Harder than the truth
Is the lies you don’t see
Bitterer than tears
Are the tears you can’t shed anymore
Worse than a weak mind
Is a dead and cold heart

Sometimes you must embrace the sorrow
To receive the cleansing

To shores of joy we sail
Through seas of suffering and pain
To woods of harmony we ride
Through valleys of death and unlight

Deeper and deeper into the abyss
Higher and higher to the sky
If there was no darkness
How could we see the light?

Worse than grief
Is the grief you can’t feel anymore
Worse than a weak mind
Is a dead and cold heart

Sometimes you must embrace the darkness
When you seek light
Sometimes you must let go
To keep holding tight

To shores of joy we sail
Through seas of suffering and pain
To woods of harmony we ride
Through valleys of death and unlight

9. Paradigm Lost

We are generation greed
We are generation soma
Our desire is more
But more will never be enough

Welcome to the shores of plenty
Where possession equals happiness

We are generation soma
Generation greed
In the lungs of abundance
Paradigm Lost

We are so sick as to choke on too much
Instead of starving from too less
(Instead of starving from too less)
We are flooded by a tidal wave of poison
Slowly polluting our minds

Our prosperity
Is based on exploiting you
Your poverty and weakness
Will always ensure our wealth

Peace of mind lies hidden deep within
It can’t be sold or bought
This illusion can protect you
This illusion will also swallow you

Welcome to the shores of plenty
Where possession equals happiness

We are so sick as to choke on too much
Instead of starving from too less
(Instead of starving from too less)
We are flooded by a tidal wave of poison
Slowly polluting our minds

10. Life Damages the Living


11. Scars of Gray

Scars of gray
The grave heritage

Pain aches at the country’s soul
A historical trauma to last forever
It harms our confidence, still
A divided nation – not becoming one

An era of unique sickness
And obsolete ideas of an archaic mind
Vision of megalomania – a perverse hierarchy
And countless hands stained with blood

Drunken dreams of a glorious age collapsed
Their souls died with their illusions
A nation’s subtle suicide

Perfection, strength, glory
Heroic statues built on quicksand
A nightmare

Guilt and shame – to shape endless lives
Defeat, decay – to stab a nation’s soul
Disgrace, regret – to trigger an endless process of purification

Shadows of the past
Leave to free us
Shadows of this darkest chapter
Stay forever – to remind us eternally

Vision of megalomania – a perverse hierarchy
And countless hands stained with blood

Drunken dreams of a glorious age collapsed
Their souls died with their illusions
A nation’s subtle suicide

Will these wounds ever heal?
Will the price be forgetfulness?

Scars of gray
The subliminal pain

Let the Tempest Come – Youtube Video

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