Omnicide – Creation Unleashed Lyrics (2009)

Neaera Omnicide - Creation Unleashed Lyrics Album

Omnicide – Creation Unleashed Lyrics Album by Neaera

Welcome to the best site to read Omnicide – Creation Unleashed Lyrics, This Album was released on the year 2009 by the band Neaera

1. I Loathe

I am the thorns that pierce you.
I am the leaves that heal.
I am the thorns that guide you.
I am the pain that heals.

I am the thorns that pierce you.
I am the leaves that heal.
I am the thorns that guide you.
I am the pain that heals.

It is lies that we seek, illusions that we need.
The only way to survive is numbly closing our eyes.

I loathe the dumbing-down, manipulation.
Decry the tools of the trade that make us kneel.
I fear the end of the circle, the “All-in-vain”.
Detest what you sell as the truth, as critical thought.
No more I will swallow your waste.
Your selfless I’s refrain from what you preach to survive.

We are the thousand thorns.
We are the thousand leaves.
Sound the call to arms.
There will be no relief.

Disdain remains a reward I can’t reject.
Again I lack what I need to adapt.

Must I corrupt my soul to get inside?
Must I derange myself to stay intact?

Must I corrupt my soul to get inside?
If I earth myself, does it all end?

We are the thousand thorns.
We are the thousand leaves.
Sound the call to arms.
There will be no relief.

2. Prey to Anguish

What I have become,
what has made myself?
I will never turn down,
I will never disdain!

To the excluded of the wronged,
the cursed of the damned,
fear will eat your soul without
taking a stand.

Prey to anguish,
internal dissonance.
A state of undeciphered wrath!

Prey to anguish,
internal dissonance.
The sky above, earth
underneath and hell within.

What I have become,
what has made myself?
I will never turn down,
I will never disdain!

Prisons built from stones of fears,
worse than giving into failure is giving up hope.
To the excluded of the wronged,
the cursed of the damned.

Through a downpour of hail
and fields of drought, you will rise with the fall.

Prey to anguish,
internal dissonance.
A state of undeciphered wrath!

Prey to anguish,
internal dissonance.
The sky above, earth
underneath and hell within.

Prey to anguish, internal dissonance,
a state of undeciphered wrath.
Prisons built from stones of our fears
The sky above, earth underneath and Hell within.

3. The Wretched of the Earth

(In Northern Uganda, the cult-like, notoriously brutal rebel group “Lord’s Resistance Army” under the leadership of Joseph Kony is said to have abducted more than 20.000 children.
The children were recruited as rebels and forced to commit unimaginably atrocious crimes like rape, torture and mutilation.
The situation in the region has often been called “One of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters”.
To restore peace and put an end to the killings, many of the leaders and traumatized soldiers have been granted amnesty).

Abducted to the thousands.
Carried off to dust in brightest day.
Nurtured with illiteracy, besieged by rage.
Gradual infanticide, internally displaced.

Shadows of souls.
Children of ghosts.
They make you murder your own.
They teach you to kill, kill yourself.

Programmed to annihilate, drugged to kill.
Brainwashed to retaliate, no mercy, no regret.
The Wretched of the Earth.

The earth!

Innocent, guilty lives coffined in caskets of glass.

Dwelling in the underworld of guilt.
Numbed below conscience.
With every shot you tear your souls apart.
Erase the last chance of healing.

With every shot you tear your souls apart.
Erase the last chance of healing.

Shadows of souls.
Children of ghosts.
They make you murder your own.
They teach you to kill, kill yourself.

Programmed to annihilate, drugged to kill.
Brainwashed to retaliate, no mercy, no regret.
The Wretched of the Earth.

Innocent, guilty lives coffined in caskets of glass.
The Wretched of the Earth.

4. Grave New World

Hand me the mask, make me go blind.

If it all slides down the spiral, hand out the oil.
When the fire’s spreading rashly, pass us water to waste.

We storm the castles of hate with rage and burn the fortress of protection.
Long live our emperor, we scream off our throats as we chop off his head.

If the dark is getting darker, we put out the last torch.
When the air is getting thinner, let us breathe faster.

We storm the castles of hate with rage and burn the fortress of protection.
Long live our emperor, we scream off our throats as we chop off his head.

When the water’s getting dirtier, let us pour out all the poison.
If with a smile I could make a change, hand me the mask.

We storm the castles of hate with rage and burn the fortress of protection.
Long live our emperor, we scream off our throats as we chop off his head.

If the truth is within reach, let us call upon the lies.
If I could see the way out, make me go blind.

5. Age of Hunger

Age of hunger, starving for belief.
Era of the minds, mind of thieves.
Age of perception, the new ground is the air.
Times of drought, time to stand on our knees.

Father of betrayal, Mother of deception.
Receive your children of rage.
Father of deprivation, Mother of neglect.
Harvest the grapes, harvest the grapes of wrath.

Epoch of cleansing, replacing dirt with filth.
Replacing dirt with filth.

Age of hunger!

Age of justice, the justice of the sword.
Era of divide, the pieces fall apart.
Age of globalization, distribution of guilt.
Age of resistance, resistant to learn.

We sink with greed as we cling to its weight.
Our progression bleeds itself to death.
Starving for exaltation.
Our conscience, unconscious.
Age of resistance, resistant to learn.

Father of betrayal, Mother of deception.
Receive your children of rage.
Father of deprivation, Mother of neglect.
Harvest the grapes, harvest the grapes of wrath.

6. Caesura

Crave, consume, possess, discard.
Deceive, derange, destruct, repeat.

Crave, consume, possess, discard.
Deceive, derange, destruct, repeat.

In modern ivory towers, existence is dehumanized.
When complacency calculates, exploitation becomes relative.

Forging the blade for your decapitation.
Orchestrating downfall, preaching excessiveness.
The downside of contentment.
The vile philosophy of a system poised to fail itself.

All hail the meltdown, unite under the banner of gluttony.
Bear witness to the great experiment of poverty through profit.

All hail the meltdown, unite under the banner of gluttony.
Bear witness to the great experiment of poverty through profit.

Crave, consume, possess, discard.
Deceive, derange, destruct, repeat.

A culture of avarice, detached from reason.
So scream the primal scream of greed and pound the drums of ruin.

Forging the blade for your decapitation.
Orchestrating downfall, preaching excessiveness.
The downside of contentment.
The vile philosophy of a system poised to fail itself.

All hail the meltdown, unite under the banner of gluttony.
Bear witness to the great experiment of poverty through profit.

All hail the meltdown, unite under the banner of gluttony.
Bear witness to the great experiment of poverty through profit.

7. Omnicide

Armed to the teeth, destruction within peace.
The civilized disease, creation unleashed.

Deforestation torture mother earth.
Quenching the lungs of our shells.
We pierce our spades deep into the earth.
Cutting our veins through.

Balanced nuclear armament to yield means putting peace at risk.
This you call the civilized world, enlightenment in black.

Armed to the teeth, destruction within peace.
Omnicide, the great human stain.
The civilized disease, creation unleashed.

You equalize development with the greatest power of destruction.

Lords of war fuelling conflict.
Hunting for profit, aiming at peace.
Human dignity as oil for the machine.
Exploitation altered on prosperity.

Armed to the teeth, destruction within peace.
Omnicide, the great human stain.
The civilized disease, creation unleashed.

Omnicide, the great human stain.
The civilized disease, creation unleashed.

8. In Near Ruins

Obscurity overwhelms the earth, in embrace of my shattered mind.
The storm comes closer to reap, the darker seed of my thoughts.
But with the dawn approaching I rise and feel my strength return.

My will cuts through the gravest ice and kills off the pain.
My will cuts through the gravest ice and kills off the pain.

I know this day will come, when you will be stronger than the strongest one.

Frost stabs the ground, cold spreads its wings around my soul.
Emptiness airs cries of mourning.
Frost stabs the ground, cold spreads its wings around my soul.
Irrupting my heart to fill my veins with misery.

In near ruins.

I am significant, not nothing, no shadow of myself.
I will overcome my fear to make me as strong as I appear.

Frost stabs the ground, cold spreads its wings around my soul.
Emptiness airs cries of mourning.
Frost stabs the ground, cold spreads its wings around my soul.
Irrupting my heart to fill my veins with misery.

I know this day will come, when you will be stronger than the strongest one.

What does not kill you only makes you stronger.
What does not kill you only makes you stranger.

I know this day will come, when you will be stronger than the strongest one.

9. The Nothing Doctrine

Almighty Uncreator.

I am your eyes.
I am your ears.
I am your mouth.
Let your grandest hatred echo in my deprivation.


A willing bearer of your creed to consecrate the void.

My thirsting mind lies fallow, fertile soil to all delusions.
Reason in me rings hollow, truth is dissonant in salvation’s lullaby.

This is a hymn of self denial, a nihilist song of praise.
To humbly sacrifice my judgment and pledge allegiance to deceit.
This is a hymn of self denial, a nihilist song of praise.
To abandon criticism and give in to apathy.

Mammon’s missionary, a self appointed idol.
Religious symbolism consolidates your foul belief.

I beg the light of your divine resolve.
Conceal my earthly weakness.
I vow to liberate these lands with your all eclipsing insight.


This is a hymn of self denial, a nihilist song of praise.

My thirsting mind lies fallow, fertile soil to all delusions.
Reason in me rings hollow, truth is dissonant in salvation’s lullaby.

10. I Am the Rape

The white man’s burden is yours.
We pierced your dignity, feasted on pride.
We stamped you deep into the ground.
Still harvest the fruits from the rape.

I am the Rape!
I am the Rape!

I am the Rape, the torch of our belief.
White light to black darkness.
We taught you western civilization.
A lesson in oppression and greed.

The cradle of life you never leave, identity and history pushed aside.
We came to rule and other the unknown to conquer, exploit and enslave.

I am the Rape!

I am the Rape, the torch of our belief.
White light to black darkness.

The cradle of life you never leave, identity and history pushed aside.
We came to rule and other the unknown to conquer, exploit and enslave.

The cradle of life you never leave, identity and history pushed aside.
We came to rule and other the unknown to conquer, exploit and enslave.

Omnicide – Creation Unleashed – Youtube Video

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