Black Future Lyrics

Vektor Black Future Lyrics Album

Black Future Lyrics Album by Vektor

Welcome to the best site to read Black Future Lyrics, This Album was released on the year 2009 by the band Vektor

1. Black Future

Energetic pulse rippling out from our world
An undead galactic master sleeps within a subspatial realm
Dark waves traverse the astral plane, the demonoid awakes
Nebular projections pierce the fabric of space
The anti-being breaks through

Black Future

All at once the sky went black, a single Earth beat heart attack
Awakened giant in the sky, through the black, huge glowing eyes
A purple glow which stilled the air, stranglehold in the demon’s glare
The hungry darkness in our mind’s is the toxic substance on which it thrives

Black Future

World destroyer

Time accelerates with the advent of a monolithic shadow
On this world that we call home, within our minds its thoughts grow
Entering into our brains, eaten alive but we still feel safe
Never exposed to the light, seething global parasite

Black Future

2. Oblivion

Spiraling into oblivion, mindless thoughts scream my silent cries
A shroud of blood and body parts are my demise
Shapeless moments crack my memories, a broken mirror inside my mind
The end has come, now time is empty

Souls rip through the skin into oblivion
Reborn into nothingness

Sucked through the veins of the universe flows the essence of existence
Time cluttering, moment shattering, voidless persistence
Aimless gazes stab through my eyes while they set their sights asunder
Lightning strikes upon me when all I’ve known is thunder

Souls rip through the skin into oblivion
Reborn into nothingness

On and on through eternity, pathways through the galaxies
We were, we are, will we be?
Will our cries be heard, or echo endlessly?

Souls rip through the skin into oblivion
Reborn into nothingness

3. Destroying the Cosmos

Waves of light shooting through night
The void destroyed
Eons of terror emerge from the realms to deploy
Big bang, life and death collide at infinite reaches
Spawned from eternity, we are the creatures of void

The cosmos, a flicker of the past
The cosmos, infinity at last
Arise into the night
Invasion of the twilight

Doomingly slow, destruction will follow
The balance is tipping, evil is falling low
A rippling in time as a new dawn unwinds
A galactic species takes off and leaves from its confines

The cosmos, a flicker of the past
The cosmos, infinity at last
Arise into the night
Invasion of the twilight

The time has come, the end is near
For anything that is not us

4. Forests of Legend

A shadowed existence veiled in mystery
Swallowed by sound from dwellers of the trees
A strange world thrives on a floor of decay
From rotting death, breaking through the fray… A forest

Enter the shadow realm
Giants hold claim to the sky and ground
Keepers of gloom and great oddities
Sustain the ways of the forest keep

Ancient kingdoms, creeping lines
Split apart by roots of time

Voices from inside seem to pull you in
Dark wisdom runs on the still, damp wind
Glow of the eye, fear the gaze
The great ape returns disconnected and changed

Ancient kingdoms, creeping lines
Split apart by roots of time

Twisted land, twisted sky
Twisted circuit we call our mind
We push our will to change a world
Which has a spirit, has a soul
Borneo, Amazon
Once it goes it is gone
The legend is all that remains
Of the forests of old and grand domains

Legends only arise in the face of difficult times
A forest that stands on its own
In the truth of a desolate world is where the legend will grow

No cover from the Sun
Carcass fields of fallen ones
Biding time, seeds remain
Tyrants fall, Earth reclaims

Ancient kingdoms, creeping lines
Split apart by roots of time
A strange world thrives on a floor of decay
From broken rubble, breaking through the fray… A forest

5. Hunger for Violence

Chaos enveloped the social order of humanity
After the nuclear fall from man’s vanity
Weathered faces trudge through empty miles in nomadic hordes
A scalding wind grinds the barren desert floor

Civilization is thrown into rampancy
As the resources continue to dwindle in the fallout breeze
Treaties between the wasteland hordes have burned and been defiled
A black cloud of contrivance is amassing all the while

Spray of blood in the air, bodies fall
The only way to survive this upheaval… Hunger for violence

I will be the one to force chaos into submission
An abandoned nuclear facility has powered my ambition
I hold the power that once laid waste to these decaying lands
My fission powered warriors are awaiting their command

Spray of blood in the air, bodies fall
The wars of man continue, consuming all
Spray of blood in the air, bodies fall
Dominate with death machines, killing all… Hunger for violence

Apocalypse survivors hide within a rusting scrap yard
The tyrannical artificer looms over the battle charge
Hear the crushing sound of skulls lying under tank treads
Fear as they rush the grounds
Battalions of troops come barreling through
Walls of tires and barrels of crude
Photoreceptors meet your gaze
If you fight you’ll die so be a slave

Fight… Die!

The slaves have now been drafted into recruitment operations
Implanted micro detonators ensure cooperation
The pawns march side by side with their metallic lifeless captors
Blood will cleanse the land as we descend into the final chapter

Spray of blood in the air, bodies fall
Dominate with death machines, killing all
Spray of blood in the air, bodies fall
The wars of man continue, consuming all… Hunger for violence

6. Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Engineering forms of life, splicing DNA
Cut the strand, extract the base
What is real can be changed

Laboratories experiment with the limits of our will
But there are endless ways to justify
If we can, we will

Products of our mind
Looking from inside
Strange creations

Science based on temptation to what we can achieve
The desire lies within our hearts to fix the human being

Cesspool of genes
Tainted genetics
Our fingers run down the blade
Of a double edged helix

Journey through the cells
Unlock the cell doors

Violative manipulation
DNA, the ultimate temptation

Further do we travel descending the spiral stair case?
Reality unravels in the presence of our wake

The hand that feeds is ingenuity
Progression voices our reprisal
Our ransacking gaze grips the shrinking world
And what it comes down to is survival

They will guarantee future sanctity
When the coin is tossed perfection comes at a cost

Violative manipulation
DNA, the ultimate temptation

7. Asteroid

Swirling masses of rock careening through the black
An orbit unseen by the distant eyes of man
Floating through space, a distant planetoid
Collision course, waiting for the moment to destroy

Death from above, rocking the world
An unharbored menace, chaos unfurls
Death from above, block out the Sun
Survivors will starve until their imminent extinction
An unheard countdown commences, even NASA is blind
But could they say if they knew
Chaos would ensue, facing the truth of their demise

Asteroid filling the sky
Asteroid reflecting in their wide eyes
Asteroid, an eternal moment in time

Death from above, rocking the world
An unharbored menace, chaos unfurls
Death from above, block out the Sun
Survivors will starve until their imminent extinction
The pointless construction of bombs and wars that brought them death
The destruction that man has wreaked is unmatched by the impending threat

Asteroid filling the sky
Asteroid reflecting in their wide eyes
Asteroid, an eternal moment in time

Mountains and seas arise and fall
Crustal flex, the world absolved
Frozen winds begin to swirl
Putrid clouds of dust and gas engulf the world

Massive ejections through the abysmal smog
Shaking the fleas off of the dog

Hear to see the end of all, apocalyptic wrecking ball
A cosmic force to seal our fate, extinction of the human race

Burning through the sky with atomic might
Laid to rest with your fears on the darkest night

8. Dark Nebula

Absorb the radiation into blackness
Photo degradation in the depths within
Shrouds of creation, cold emptiness
The black serpent writhes in the solar wind

Conceal the secret knowledge from events before
Cloud the peering eye from what lies beyond the door
Slumbering in the black cocoon
Mistress of the night, a solar Moon

Into the night, seeker of light
Into the day, impermiate
Into the sore to find what hurts more
Into the unknown to see what we own

Watch it unfold out of control
Watch it collapse as it contracts
Unstoppable force, growing remorse
A magnetic field the future will feel

The strange ways that we keep face
Gravitation holds our place
We never seem to change our pace
Forward on to win the race

Congregation in the cell
Manic pulse of thought up-wells
Deep within the dark eclipse
A growing metamorphosis

Trapped inside deception and lies
Trapped inside the growing madness in my mind

All of the time spent, all of the years
All of the moments that led me to this place
What will I do now that I am here?

I walked inside the black serpent of the sky
My eyes were drawn to a Sun within the dark nebula

The wheel revolves contorting time and space
Twisting strings that form the astral plane
The dark creature begins the chase
Holding the mane of the beast to meet our fate
A stark contrasting blob infects our sight
Riding further into the night
A search to be content with what we are
And to look and find a place among the stars
Desperately, we arrive anywhere
A place we never planned to be

9. Accelerating Universe

Lost in time where thoughts are faint echoes
My city crumbles
A path of destruction ahead of me
Tracing the footsteps of insanity
I see the ashes of a bridge to gold
I sacrifice my empty soul
Emptiness crowds the streets
I drain my thoughts, I carry on to bleed

Dark energy is pulling me
My old thoughts unheard, accelerating universe

A darkening force, the unfathomed realm reborn
Worlds of nothing, chaos forlorn
The weak will follow the false cure of souls
My weakness pulls me into the black hole
Humanity, a blood trail caress
I follow it to the unconquered fortress
A blinding light made from distraction
It burns your eyes out if you get too close

Dark energy is pulling me
My old thoughts unheard, accelerating universe

Obscure flickers in the distance
These lights blinked out of existence
Dying systems pulled through a void
Experimental universe designed to destroy itself

Release of energy from our point of origin
Will this cycle continue to be again?
Or will these stars fade and kill their systems?
Will our night sky be solar gravestones?
It pulls the thought of change from our minds
The only thought unchained in our minds
It drains your blood, rips out your soul
Your mind is hollow, you are time’s black hole

Dark energy is pulling me
My old thoughts unheard, accelerating universe

Minds in a standstill as we walk on this treadmill
Our guide through the eons until our star is gone

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